Thursday, May 2, 2013

9.8 Challenge-Multiplying with Fractions and Decimals

When the students in Mrs. Andersen’s class arrive at the Science Museum, Kara is very excited to learn that there is a dinosaur exhibit. In fact, it is a famous dinosaur exhibit. A set of dinosaur bones from a triceratops has been reconstructed and is on display. Kara can’t wait to get to see it. She has a feeling that this is going to be her favorite part of the museum. Several other students are equally excited, so Mrs. Andersen and the chaperones decide to go to the exhibit first and the split up into groups. When Kara walks in, she is delighted. There before her eyes is a huge skeleton of a triceratops. After visiting the exhibit for a while, the students begin to move on. Mrs. Andersen sees Kara hesitate before leaving the exhibit. She walks over to her.
“Imagine, that dinosaur is about 4 and a half times as long as you are!” Mrs. Andersen smiles. The students exit the exhibit hall, but Kara pauses at the door. She has to think about this. In all of her excitement she forgot to find the information that actually says how long the triceratops actually is. Mrs. Andersen’s words stay with her, “the dinosaur is 4 \frac{1}{2}times as long as you are.” Kara knows that she is 5 \frac{1}{4} feet tall. If the dinosaur is 4 \frac{1}{2} times as long as she is, how long is the dinosaur? 

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