Friday, April 12, 2013

Sungei Buloh Field Trip-Thursday, April 18

Mrs. Gaskell’s Sungei Buloh Chaperone Sign Up
Dear families,

On Thursday, April 18 from 8:10-12:00,  our class will visit the Sungei Buloh Wetlands Reserve. This is a terrific social studies/science field trip where students explore the uniquely adapted flora and fauna of the mangrove and wetland biome. For more information on the reserve, you can visit Chaperones can meet at school by 8:10 to ride the bus or meet us at SBWR by 8:30. Chaperones will guide a small group at the nature reserve. If you would like to chaperone, please sign up below.

Below are the enduring understandings and essential questions to guide the field trip.
Enduring Understandings for students:

  1. Environments have unique features.
  2. People and environments are interdependent.
  3. There are different perspectives on environmental use.
  4. Certain environments are at risk and we have a civic responsibility to take care of them.
Essential Questions for our Sungei Buloh investigation:

  1. What makes a mangrove and wetland environment unique?
  2. How do people and environments depend on each other?
  3. Why do we care about mangrove and wetland habitats?

What to wear:
Precaution against mosquito bites (from the Sungei Buloh website): “SBWR is a nature reserve where mosquitoes naturally inhabit. To prepare for a visit to the wetland reserve, visitors should wear shoes and socks and apply insect repellent on exposed skin and clothing before entering the wetland reserve. The insect repellent can help to keep the mosquitoes away and make your visit to the wetland reserve a more enjoyable and safe outing.”
·    Tennis shoes or good hiking shoes with socks (no sandals)
·    A hat
·    Sunscreen and insect repellent (please spray your child PRIOR to school – or send your preferred repellant in your child’s backpack)
·    Sunglasses
·    Bag lunch and a healthy snack (i.e. packed sandwich, a bag of crackers, fruit) Please, no fizzy drinks or soda.
·    A bottle of water – it’s a lot of walking!
·    A small, folding umbrella that can fit in a backpack. If there is rain, but no lightning, the field trip will still take place.
·    Field glasses/binoculars (optional)
·    A camera (optional)

Chaperone’s Name
Put an X under this box if you will meet us at Sungei Buloh Wetlands Reserve at 8:30.
Put an X under this box if you will come to school and ride the bus at 8:10.
Debra Surrency

Benedicte Heaney

Jody Havens

Brian Koldyke

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